Monday, 9 November 2009

Blogging as a method of collecting and sharing research notes

I am interested in overcoming my own blocks to learning, in a variety of areas, and doing that in community with others who would like to achieve the same, or a similar, outcome.

It suddenly occurred to me that blogging might be a good way to achieve that (another might be to set up a Ning community).

But right now I'm on vacation in my mother-in-law's house in Florida, with no internet access. I could drive 10 miles, and sit in Starbucks in Borders, but they don't open until 10, and it's only 8.55.

So I'm experimenting with the BlackBerry ...

If this works, I'll transfer some of my other notes.

1 comment:

  1. It worked ... but I ended up in Borders, anyway.

    Love the BlackBerry, but it is a very small window on a very large world.
