Monday, 9 November 2009

What is Learning? What is a Block?

For me, a learning block is any impediment to the total process of learning.  The total process of learning goes all the way from:
There are things I just don't understand ... Can't get the facts to stick in my brain. Tax would be a good example. Thank God for my wonderful book-keeper.

There are things I can't do. I understand the ideas, I've learned the facts, read the books, watched the videos ... But, for instance, I still can't juggle. I've just screened it from my life (but I still have a sneaking feeling that I'd like to be able to juggle).

There are things I understand, and apparently have the skills, but I find I don't do. For instance, there are things I could do which would make my business more successful. None of them are rocket science, but, somehow I just don't do them.

And, although I recently lost 100lbs, and although I know (I have the necessary information) what to eat, I know that I still haven't achieved the state of "easy and effortless healthy eater" (where's that doughnut?)
These are some of my many learning blocks.

Finding them, naming them, discovering their origin, clearing them out of my way. That is my current endeavour.

If this rings any bells with you, please add your comments, and keep reading.

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